Business InsightsInnovation In FMCG Products For Rural Vietnam: Understanding Consumer Needs

Innovation In FMCG Products For Rural Vietnam: Understanding Consumer Needs

Business Insights
3 May 2023

The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market in rural Vietnam is growing fast and it’s a huge opportunity to tap into, considering the fact that 56% of the total population lives there. As rural areas develop and modernise, consumers are becoming more sophisticated and discerning, with higher expectations for product quality and functionality.

If FMCG companies want to succeed in this market, they need to focus on innovation and product development that cater to the unique needs of rural consumers. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to understanding and meet their needs:


Price Sensitivity

Ensuring your products are made affordable is important when targeting rural consumers in Vietnam. They are usually working with a tighter budget, so price is often a top consideration when they’re shopping for FMCG products.

FMCG companies need to focus on developing products that are both high-quality and affordable. When partnering with Ninja Mart, you can gain access to promotions like our seasonal Tet campaign.

We also provide guidance to retailers on how they can save money by ordering in bulk, as well as offering detailed product catalogues that recommend retail prices and discounts.


Functional Needs

Rural consumers in Vietnam have unique needs compared to their urban counterparts, due to differences in lifestyle and cultural preferences. 

Think about rural consumers who rely on agricultural work – they need products that can provide them with the energy to get through the day. And let’s not forget about cultural preferences – traditional remedies and remedies made with local herbs may be more popular in rural areas. It’s important to keep these differences in mind and tailor their products accordingly.



Accessibility is another key factor to consider when developing FMCG products for rural Vietnamese consumers. Many rural areas don’t have similar infrastructure and transport options as the cities, which can make it tough for folks to get their hands on goods they want.

This means that FMCG companies need to come up with creative ways to get their products out there to the people who need them. This could mean partnering up with local stores and wholesalers, or even coming up with new delivery models that can reach remote areas.

Working with Ninja Mart saves yourself some serious hassle and expense. With a network of 30,000 stores in 29 provinces in Vietnam, we know how to get your products to the people who want them.



Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration for FMCG companies in Vietnam, as consumers become more environmentally conscious, they want to know that the products they buy are environmentally friendly.

This is particularly true for those living in rural areas and are more cautious about environmental issues. So, it’s crucial for companies to focus on developing sustainable products and packaging, and let rural consumers know they are committed to being green.


Technology and Innovation

FMCG companies need to be innovative and tech-savvy if they want to keep up with the evolving needs of rural Vietnamese consumers. This includes products that can withstand tough environmental conditions and be easily prepared with limited resources, as well as digital channels and marketing strategies that reach out to rural consumers.

At Ninja Mart, we provide all our retailers with a self-service application on Zalo to help with digital interactions, learning resources, and “Anytime Ordering” from our range of FMCG products.

In short, the FMCG market in rural Vietnam is dynamic and diverse, and companies that focus on understanding consumer needs and creating tailor-made products will be able to engage with rural consumers and drive growth in this market.


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